is staffed by independent reviewers with vast experience and knowledge in the area of male enhancement. These select few contributors are not paid for their reviews at any point and volunteer their expertise and knowledge on their own accord. They have also been chosen because they have used a variety of these products themselves. DOES NOT ACCEPT PAID ADVERTISING - NOR DO WE ACCEPT PAYMENT FOR OUR REVIEWS. This helps keep us independent and free to tell our honest opinion regarding the products we review. is committed to providing the most unbiased, accurate, and honest reviews about male enhancement products for men today. We have been online for almost 18 years, making us one of the oldest and most trusted male enhancement review sites online. The reviews found here are meant to provide a detailed analysis of the product and rate them based on a variety of factors like safety, value, reputation, and customer service.
Keep in mind that when it comes to ranking our top rated products, because many of them are very close in quality and effectiveness, the difference in their rankings might be very slight. Two products may be almost identical in effectiveness and quality, so we may rank one slightly higher if it has a better price. Basically, if a product or program makes our list of top 5 or even top 10 products - you can be assured it's a very good product no matter which one you choose. Our researchers judge all the male enhancement products on a strict set of criteria.
The 10 Criteria we use for Male Enhancement Products
Male enhancement products are an excellent option for men looking to super charge their sex drive and sexual performance. As men get older and testosterone levels begin to decline, your erections begin to become softer, sex drive begins to decrease, and your sexual performance decreases as a result. The products mentioned on this website have the power to reverse these negative effects and improve your sexual performance to a level higher than you've ever experienced.
Meet our Panel
John Timmons - BSc
John is a nutrition researcher with a Bachelor's degree in medicine. He has spent years reading books, blogs and scientific studies on herbal supplements and nutrition. Evidence-based nutrition is his passion and he plans to devote his career to informing people about it. He stays fit by lifting weights, taking walks and eating real food.
Bill Lintott - M.Sc
Dr. Wade Hoppe - MD, FACP
He has written several books and also does a weekly podcast focusing on male sexual health. Wade lives in New York City with his wife and three children, plus his dog, Winchester.
Here are some of our recommended resources/authors with excellent information on male sexual health.
Thanks for taking the time to meet our 'enhancement specialists'. The fact is that they're regular guys who've improved their sexual performance and are trying to pass their experience on so that other guys can get valuable information about male enhancement products - without getting ripped off. Just like with any other purchase in life, when it comes down to male enhancement products, the old cliche about 'buyer beware' is very true. In every walk of life there are a lot of people out there who are nothing more than scam artists trying to make a quick buck.
However, if you stick with trusted, reputable products and companies that have stood the test of time, chances are you'll be rewarded with a quality product at an affordable price. Our goal is to try and help you discover which products are worth your money - and help you make an informed decision. We hope you find this site helpful in your quest to super-charge your sex life - thanks for visiting!